I Know Not What to Say

Hari Om

I know not what to say

I see You and 
My words fall short
My Dad, I know not
Where to start

I come to You
With thoughts in mind
But when I see
Your smile so kind

I lose all thought
All words, all speech 
All seem so far 
And out of reach

Just seeing You Dad
This is my peace
To speak or ask
I have no need

Your laugh, it rings
And fills my soul
Sweet tears down
My cheeks do roll.

Your smile is all
I need to see
Nothing else
Can matter to me

In the dark
I see Your light
In Your voice
My soul delights

In my heart
The longing grows
Come here my Dad,
And Hold me close

Forget the world
And all the rest
At Your feet,
Forever I rest

|| Shri Ram ||
|| Ambadnya ||
|| I Love You my Dad ||

-Arnav H. Tongaonkar 

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