Sunset Photography


 || Hari Om ||

Sunset Photography

Reader beware: do not let the title deceive you! Though I am an enthusiastic (amateur) photographer with a particular obsession for sunsets, this blog post is not about the technicalities of photography (which I don’t know anyway ;) )

Rather, this is bunch of thoughts that have been going through my mind over the last few months. Before getting to the bone of the topic, let me give you the backstory; a bit of preamble so to speak.

I have recently cleared my MD General Medicine and also secured a good rank for my Superspeciality entrance. I have spent most of the last few months completely immersed in the preparation. In fact, since 2016, the rollercoaster ride which started from my internship has continued through the highs and lows of residency, right through to this moment, without much of a pause or breather. 

Still, it was during these last few months of preparation, as I was watching the changing hues of the setting sun; from the windows of our house, with my parents, that the seed of this idea sprang to life!

There was a single moment frozen in time, when by some miracle of nature, the entire sky was lit in a soft orange. It was as if we had stepped into Heaven, and everything had turned to gold. There was such beauty, that you could feel the energy in the air. Yet, this beauty was something that no camera could capture.

No camera, except one. The Human Eye, the camera made by that Great Craftsman.

And I still carry that moment, the bliss of that evening, the company of those dearest to me, as treasured memory.

That moment got me thinking, about photographs, and what they really mean.

These days, we are so busy capturing moments with our devices that maybe, just maybe, we forget to capture them with the devices God has already provided us with.

The real photography is in savouring the moment, enjoying the company of our loved ones; tasting the salt in the breeze at the sea-side; feeling the breeze upon your skin.

And then, when you look at the long-faded photo that you clicked that day, everything else that you felt comes back to you.

It is a great temptation to say: “I wish this would last forever, that we could watch the sunset together, everyday”. The truth is, we all have work to do, which cannot just be swept aside. And perhaps the real beauty of such moments, is that they are fleeting, a small gateway into a different world, which gives you the energy to keep moving. It is said that nothing lasts forever; I disagree. Maybe everything last forever, we just have to take a moment to “save the file”, so to speak.

Is finding beauty only about going to exotic places and scenic locations? Well, it isn’t, at least to me. I find true beauty in the little flowers that bloom outside my window, the chirping of the sparrows as they go about their search for food, in the pattering of raindrops, in simple acts of kindness, in the intricate workings of the human body, in the heartbeat that keeps us alive. There is beauty everywhere, all we need is a moment, a moment to open our eyes.

I always hoped and prayed that I would get some time off to rest and relax, and I got much more than I had ever hoped. But it is more than that: The One I was praying to showed me that I would find happiness and bliss not by waiting for some perfect occurrence, but by enjoying and treasuring the little moments of joy He gives me, everyday.

So, when you get those little moments of peace, treasure them, preserve them. And later, come calm or storm, close your eyes and let them take you away, into the photograph.

You may click a photograph, you may share it everywhere on social media, but at the end of the day, only you know what feeling you were trying to capture. That’s what makes it even more precious!

So, I close my eyes and let my mind take me away, to the beach, the place which has always been the closest to my heart. I can feel the sand beneath my feet, feel the breeze gently ruffling my hair. With closed eyes, I see the hues of the setting sun, as the sky is ablaze, with more shades of red, orange purple and pink than I can name. A thousand photographs, a thousand paintings on the canvas of the Great Artist. As I admire the Creation, I dive deeper and deeper and am immersed in the beauty of the Creator. For He that made such beauty, must be so beautiful Himself. And as the waves tap gently against my feet, I look to horizon. I see Him there, standing with His arms wide open, waiting for me. Welcoming me home. I open my eyes, and I see Him still.

|| Shree Ram || || Ambadnya || || Naathsanvidh ||

- Dr. Arnav H. Tongaonkar 


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