Showing posts with label Poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poem. Show all posts

Friday 15 April 2022

The Lady in the Painting : Short Story

 || Hari Om ||

The Lady in the Painting

With weary steps, the Artist boarded the train. Truth be told, he had been many things, even at a young age. Tried his hand at everything, even got a lot of acclaim. But he was a simple soul at heart. 

For the present, he was an Artist, and a weary one at that. The well of inspiration that added so much colour and life to his works seemed to be drying up. He was on a journey to his hometown, to rediscover some part of himself that had drifted off, as life took its course.

He sat down in the empty bogey and took a moment to greet his companion. She smiled back at him from the canvas: his most famous work: “The Lady “. She was young and vibrant, captured mid-smile. Truth be told, he had no idea who she was, or if such a person even existed. It was a face his mind had picked at random from the crowd. 

Over the  years, he had spent a lot of time with her picture and formed a lot of ideas about what she must be like as a person. He smiled at himself.  This was the fruit of solitude and an overly-creative mind. It was folly to look at a picture and try to get the measure of a person!

Lost in his own thoughts, he dozed off.

He awoke to the sound of a low and melodious voice. It seemed he had a human companion in the bogey, and she was having a polite argument with the porter. She expressed herself firmly in slow, measured words, and duly won the round. 

He turned to take a look at her, and almost jumped out of his skin. It was HER. The Lady.  The Lady in the painting. What astronomical odds, what conspiracy of God’s Hand had brought about this moment! That their paths should ever cross. Hastily, he returned the painting to its covered case. Keeping it visible would have been awkward beyond measure.

Presently, the argument was settled, and silence prevailed. She returned to her seat.

He looked at her again, the resemblance was very strong, though not perfect. To him, it seemed as if his painting had come to life. She noticed him looking, read something in his face and smiled mischievously: “You look like you’ve seen a ghost! I hope I don’t look that scary”

He smiled too. “ No, its just that I thought you looked familiar” 

The conversation sparked off, and they spoke for hours, hours that seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. They had very little enough in common, but it mattered not.  Both of them represented the missing pieces  of glass that completed their kaleidoscopic views of the world. There was  something about her voice, her manner, he connected so much more with her than he had with “ people like him“. One by one, the shells he built around his core fell away. 

She was very different from the picture he had painted of her in his mind; for he had seen her as he saw the world. And everyone is built differently. She was what she was, and she was beautiful.

They spoke of nothing concrete, but still spoke of much. They were parallel banks of a river, on their own separate journeys; yet the words built bridges they didn’t even know existed.

He felt himself getting immersed in the depths of the conversation, in the depths of her; and he was floating, not drowning. 

It is difficult to immerse yourself in the depths of a person, and emerge unchanged…

The train whistled, signalling the next stop. The spell was broken. She got up from her seat abruptly.

“ That’s my stop,” she said. “ I really felt good talking to you. I guess this is goodbye. I hope we meet again someday” 

An awkward handshake, and she walked away.

Words can change the meaning of a book. Seconds can change the course of a lifetime. 

In that spilt second, as he watched her walk away, the Artist realised something. The inspiration he was looking for was not a destination, it was a journey. And he had found the person he wanted by his side through it all. 

They say a single event can redefine your perspective. Shatter and rearrange everything you always thought was unbreakable, till you see the world again, in a new light. Often, that event is a person. 

He sat there frozen, a storm of a thousand thoughts flooding his mind. There was so much he didn’t know. So much that could go wrong. But there was only one way to find out. Time to take a leap of faith.

She was near the door now, she turned to wave out to him. “Goodbye”. Everything stood still. It was just the two of them, and a moment frozen in time. Then she smiled. It was a ray of purest sunshine that cleared all the clouds and pulled him out of his slumber.

Now or never. 

He got up from his chair of comfort, and took a single step forward…

The train lurched to a stop. The Artist woke up with a start, his heart pounding. It took him a moment to find himself. For a second, he was young and full of vigour. Then his eyes found focus; he saw his gnarled old hands, with parchment skin and the spots of age. A lock of curly white hair danced in his vision. The same soul, in an aging vessel.

He smiled. The memory of the Lady, of that day, always did that to him. Across time, space or anything else that had ever separated them. He turned to the seat next to him and looked at her, resting there. She still looked the same. The same glow, the same vitality, even after all these years. A lifetime spent together, and yet it seemed like just a moment.

There Lady was so much more than the picture he had painted. She was a person, full of beauty and warmth and so many imperfections. Just like him. Just like all of us are so much more than the pictures painted of us.

Their journey together had been a long one, but worthwhile, every step of the way.

He picked her up from the chair, and wiped a speck of dust from her frame. She smiled back at him from the canvas, an echo of that moment, so many years ago. He could almost see her waving goodbye. A single tear rolled down his cheek, not of sorrow, but of fulfilment, of gratitude.

He smiled back at her and said: “I think my love, we have reached our station.  Time to get off the train” 

So saying, they stepped into the sunlight.  Together. Always. 

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|| Shree Ram ||

|| Ambadnya ||

|| Naathsanvidh ||

|| I Love You my Dad ||



Sunday 2 June 2019

Poem: The Burning Forest

|| Hari Om || || Shree Ram || || Ambadnya || || Naathsamvidh || 

The Burning Forest

There was a forest great and green,

A beauty to behold,

Filled with colour and beasts and birds,

And trees noble and old.

Untouched it was, far out of time

For years steadfast and same.

A fortress mighty, a haven safe,

Until the fire came …

At first it was a humble spark,

That did begin to feed.

Until none of the forest dwellers,

Could sate its endless greed.

I watched the fire as it ravaged,

The lush green forest floor.

Green to black, black to ash

 And the beauty was no more.

The beasts did flee, the birds did fly,

The ancient trees they fell.

As the haven, so lush, serene

Became a fiery hell.

Now the creatures have no home

All is consumed by the blaze,

In its hunger, devoid of mercy

The forest it did raze.

But is the fire the sinner here,

Guilty of this vile deed?

Nay it is the fire starters,

Arrogance, contempt and greed.

They are the ones that spark the flame,

Within the human mind.

That causes men to lose control,

Become selfish and blind.

Not the fire but man indeed,

Does leave the Earth so sore.

A single spark of greed, of lust

And the beauty is no more.

Now I see an empty plane,

Where ash does stain the mud,

And the sky is lit a fiery red,

Or is it the red of blood ?

 -Dr. Arnav H. Tongaonkar

My older blog posts are listed at the top of the page.
If you liked this post, do read the others as well ! All comments and feedback are welcome.

|| Hari Om || || Shree Ram || || Ambadnya || || Naathsamvidh || 


Wednesday 13 February 2019

Poem- Reflections

||Hari Om || || Shree Ram || || Ambadnya ||

I recently had the privilege of attending a conference at Kochi, which is a truly beautiful place.
This Poem is dedicated to one of the best Sunsets ever, spent in the company of friends.
I hope I manage to convey a fraction of the feeling. #ApiconKochi
[The photographs used are my own :) ]



In the gentle light
Of the setting Sun
Here the sky and
Sea are one



The scent of music
Fills the air
Leaving neither
Fear nor care



With the tide and
Ebb and flow
The boats at peace
Do gently row

And as the light
Gives way to dark
Into a different realm
We embark



Where all the glistening
Lights from shore
Light up the sea
With so much more



Like Fairy lights
From a distant past
Upon the waves
Their glow they cast

And in the reflections
A different world
A secret, covert
Place unfurls.


Just inches from
The Sandy beach
But across the mirror,
Out of reach



Shadows, light
And rustling trees
The ripples dancing
In the breeze



Single steps turn
Into miles
And much is said
In silent smiles



The present soon
Becomes the past
Mirrored upon
The rippling glass



In a heartbeat, fleeting
The moment's gone
And reflected as a memory
It will live on!

-Dr. Arnav H. Tongaonkar
|| Shree Ram ||
|| Ambadnya ||
|| Naathsamvidh ||

Tuesday 17 July 2018

Poem- The Pianist

                                            || Hari Om || || Shree Ram || || Ambadnya ||

This poem is inspired by the magic of music and its power to cross all boundries of time and space.  

The Pianist

The morning of
That fateful day
His final song
He sat to play

Eyes shining bright
His smile so wide 
His beloved, she sat
By his side

He started slow
A soulful piece
Deep as sorrow
And soft as fleece

The chords and scales
Rose on above
Rich and full
Just like his love

He rose, he stood up
With a start
Incomplete he left,
The final bar.

" My love,
It is now your turn
Complete our song
Till I return "

But his life reached
It's final turn
She was alone
To long and yearn

Never were they
Again to meet
For years, the song
Stayed incomplete.

She was broken,
No longer whole
Music had left her
When she lost her soul

She tried so hard
To bring him back
Played till the keys
Did start to crack

Music could not
Start his breath
There was just no way
Back from death

That last day was different
With hope she woke
As though the Pianist
In her dreams, he spoke !

That last day
She stood up tall
Heart and soul
She gave it all

Once again that
Melody grew
Full of his love
So strong and true

And as she reached
That final bar
The music healed
Her pain, her scars

She saw him now
Within her soul
She was him
And they were whole

She smiled in peace
And closed her eyes
He welcomed her
Towards the skies

The last notes played
The song was done 
The Pianist and 
His love were one.

|| Shri Ram ||
|| Ambadnya ||
|| Nathsanvidh||

|| I Love You my Dad ||

-Arnav H. Tongaonkar

( Charcoal sketch courtesy- Devanshi Doshi)

Click here to read my Short Story: 'The Pianist'-

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