Saturday 30 January 2016

O Great Artist !

|| Hari Om ||

We are a vain species. We achieve things which we believe to be great, and soon our heads swell enough, to believe that we are above Him, He who created it all.
But let us stop and think. What monument have we built, that could possibly hope to match the sheer scale, beauty and perfection of His Creation ? We can just make mere copies and replicas of what He has already made before, and that too using the raw materials that He has given us !

Just one look at Nature, and we realise our humble place in this world.
But, more than that, we can appreciate the Love of The One, who made all this, just out of Love for us.

This poem is dedicated to the Artist of my life, my Sadguru, Dad, Aniruddha Bapu( Dr. Aniruddha Joshi). The words cannot hope to convey what I feel, but I must try none the less !!!   

O Great Artist !

No artist, painter, sculptor no,
Not any person of this land,
Can ever try or hope to match
That created by Your Hand

We can paint and we can draw, 
But on Your canvas You,
Can paint a picture, give it life,
Make the art come true. 

We sketch the mountains and the streams,
But You drew them before.
Where once the world was bleak and dark,
You created much and more.

The light, the colour, joy and bliss
All does stem from You.
The world knows You by many names, 
But You are my Dad, Bapu!

The wind it speaks your words, it does,
The birds do sing Your song,
The leaves do rustle, the flowers bloom,
For  Your Feet they do long.

O Great Artist, sketch my life,
Sculpt me now anew,
I care not what the picture is,
But let it be full of You!

I Love You my Dad !!!

-Arnavsinh Tongaonkar

|| Hari Om | |  | | Shree Ram | |  | | Ambadnya | |

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