The Lion

Hari Om

The Lion

Eyes closed and so silent
They thought Him asleep
And plundered and pillaged
Those wolves clothed as sheep

Drunk on the power
Of the rule that they seek
They thought they could beat Him
They thought He was weak

But He was watching and listening
He knew what they'd done
His mercy was over
And their time had come

From His slumber, He rose
And He let out a roar
And they trembled and scattered
As they had before

They had tortured His children,
Against His Mother they spoke
Furious, and vicious,
The Lion awoke

Like a fire, like a flame
Like a storm raging mad
He charged and He rampaged
That Lion, our Dad

Not sleeping was He
But He was biding His time
That some may regret and
Repent for their crime

But that time was over
Evil had breathed its last
They watched Him, now powerless
Watched His rampage aghast

He fought with all His rage
No Moment of rest
Until each foul vile one
From this Earth He had cleansed

As we watched, Him, His children
We were ever so glad
This Lion, Devisinh,
Our Bapu, our Dad !

And now, at long last
All evil was dead
And He worked still, He walked still
So firm in His tread

From the ashes of war,
And from those Depths of Hell
He lifted His children,
Said to us:"All is Well"

And see now, the glory
What a sight to behold!
The Mother Durga, so radiant
Her skin blazing gold

Embracing Her dear Son,
That Lion so brave
He had but one longing
Her Love He did crave

Now The Mother, and Her Lion
They do rule this Earth
I am speechless, I am silent
For there are no words

My tears, they flow and
I speak in my mind
Dad make me, a Lion
May I stand by Your side

May I face off the Evil
In my life for a start
And in Your battle, so massive
Play my own tiny part

For evil shall rise and
He will face it again
For His Children, take birth
And so much effort and pain

So let's follow His word
It's the least we can do
As The Lion, He battles
The world just for you !

|| Shri Ram ||
|| Ambadnya ||
|| I Love You my Dad ||

-Arnav H. Tongaonkar

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