Who are You, Dad ?

Hari Om

Who are You Dad ?

Who are You Dad ?
The child once asked
Dad, He looked up
From His task.

Shrugged His shoulders
Laughed that laugh
"I am Your Dad
Isn't that enough ?"

Tell me Dad!
I asked again
No riddles,
Tell me clear and plain.

He held my hand
And pulled me close
And in that instance
My world froze 

"I am the light
I fill the sky
I made the trees
The birds that fly

This cosmos, world
And many more,
I make, have made
And made before

In the fragrant flowers 
You feel me
I guide the travels
Of the honey bees

Infinite names
And endless forms
Different paths
So many norms

But in the end
All lead to Me
Those who walk
This path are Free"

I saw all this
Just as He spoke
And in me 
An awe awoke

That He who made
All that I see
Lives as a man
The same as me

I cannot begin 
Or hope to grasp
What He is,
I shouldn't ask !

It is now
My turn to laugh
"You are My Dad,
That is enough ! "

Shri Ram 
I Love You my Dad

-Arnav H. Tongaonkar 

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