Poem-The Pianist

                                            || Hari Om || || Shree Ram || || Ambadnya ||

This poem is inspired by the magic of music and its power to cross all boundries of time and space.  

The Pianist

The morning of
That fateful day
His final song
He sat to play

Eyes shining bright
His smile so wide 
His beloved, she sat
By his side

He started slow
A soulful piece
Deep as sorrow
And soft as fleece

The chords and scales
Rose on above
Rich and full
Just like his love

He rose, he stood up
With a start
Incomplete he left,
The final bar.

" My love,
It is now your turn
Complete our song
Till I return "

But his life reached
It's final turn
She was alone
To long and yearn

Never were they
Again to meet
For years, the song
Stayed incomplete.

She was broken,
No longer whole
Music had left her
When she lost her soul

She tried so hard
To bring him back
Played till the keys
Did start to crack

Music could not
Start his breath
There was just no way
Back from death

That last day was different
With hope she woke
As though the Pianist
In her dreams, he spoke !

That last day
She stood up tall
Heart and soul
She gave it all

Once again that
Melody grew
Full of his love
So strong and true

And as she reached
That final bar
The music healed
Her pain, her scars

She saw him now
Within her soul
She was him
And they were whole

She smiled in peace
And closed her eyes
He welcomed her
Towards the skies

The last notes played
The song was done 
The Pianist and 
His love were one.

|| Shri Ram ||
|| Ambadnya ||
|| Nathsanvidh||

|| I Love You my Dad ||

-Arnav H. Tongaonkar

( Charcoal sketch courtesy- Devanshi Doshi)

Click here to read my Short Story: 'The Pianist'- http://arnavht.blogspot.com/2016/05/The-Pianist-Story.html

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