Wednesday 20 January 2016

|| Hari Om ||

We were once a dream,
A thought.
In the minds 
Of those that fought.

Against the bondage
Of the Raj.
To achieve our freedom,
Our Swaraj.

That the people,
Of the land
Could take their health 
In their own hands.

Bricks were laid,
Foundations set,
Meetings held,
And people met.

So we were born,
Twins for a cause:
King Edward and
Seth Gordhandas.

To heal the people 
Of their pain,
To teach and 
Pass it on again.

We grew,we flourished 
Brothers two.
And everywhere
The people knew

That they were safe,
Within our hands.
"We will be well
While KEM stands!"

And such greats
Passed through our walls.
Their wisdom fills
The lecture halls.

Their words echo 
Through our very bricks.
The words of healers 
For the sick.

And their souls
So strong and bright,
Show the path
For GSites.

Still we stand
And so we will,
Guards against
All foul and ill.

Come pain or sorrow,
Death and life.
We are the saviours 
From the the strife.

It matters not,
The time that passed.
For our walls,
Are built to last.

So we watch
In our serenity
90 years,
Till eternity!

|| Shri Ram ||
|| Ambadnya ||
|| I Love You my Dad ||

-Arnav H. Tongaonkar 

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