Sunday 2 June 2019

Poem: The Burning Forest

|| Hari Om || || Shree Ram || || Ambadnya || || Naathsamvidh || 

The Burning Forest

There was a forest great and green,

A beauty to behold,

Filled with colour and beasts and birds,

And trees noble and old.

Untouched it was, far out of time

For years steadfast and same.

A fortress mighty, a haven safe,

Until the fire came …

At first it was a humble spark,

That did begin to feed.

Until none of the forest dwellers,

Could sate its endless greed.

I watched the fire as it ravaged,

The lush green forest floor.

Green to black, black to ash

 And the beauty was no more.

The beasts did flee, the birds did fly,

The ancient trees they fell.

As the haven, so lush, serene

Became a fiery hell.

Now the creatures have no home

All is consumed by the blaze,

In its hunger, devoid of mercy

The forest it did raze.

But is the fire the sinner here,

Guilty of this vile deed?

Nay it is the fire starters,

Arrogance, contempt and greed.

They are the ones that spark the flame,

Within the human mind.

That causes men to lose control,

Become selfish and blind.

Not the fire but man indeed,

Does leave the Earth so sore.

A single spark of greed, of lust

And the beauty is no more.

Now I see an empty plane,

Where ash does stain the mud,

And the sky is lit a fiery red,

Or is it the red of blood ?

 -Dr. Arnav H. Tongaonkar

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|| Hari Om || || Shree Ram || || Ambadnya || || Naathsamvidh ||