Saturday 1 December 2012

                                              || Hari Om||
Hari Om. Each of us has been given the freedom of choice. This is a freedom we often misuse. We are too easily swayed, too easily tempted. 

Evil is alluring.
Evil is deceptive. 
Evil offers an illusion of ease, glory and riches.
Evil will devour us until only darkness remains....

However, we are blessed ! Our dearest Bapuraya has come to lead us. His light shall lead us from the darkness. 

He has showed us the path.
He has empowered us to follow it.
It is up to us to take the first step...

This Aniruddha Pournima, let us embrace His light so that we may banish the dark.
Bapu will always protect His children. He will never forsake us ! 

           Let us march with our Bapu and win the struggle against evil !!!

                                              The Struggle

In a humble man like you and I,
A great struggle did start,
He felt a voice of dark within him,
A blackness in his heart.

A good man was he,
But soon the voice won out,
For promises of riches, glory, fame,
It did begin to shout.

“I will give you all you desire,
You will be greater than the great,
Accept my path and work with me,
Come, embrace your fate.

I will help you conquer all,
You shall fear none,
In return, I ask but a favour,
I’m yours once the deed is done….

Renounce the one you call the Lord,
Don’t listen to His voice,
Let us work together now,
You must make the choice.”

Sorely tempted was the man,
But resolute, another voice spoke,
And from the depths of darkness, with a jolt,
The good man then awoke.

“”Remember who you are”, it said,
Remember that you pray,
That I do dwell  within your heart,
Walk with you every day.”

“You and I are one”, it said,
“Come, take my hand,
Rise above this petty evil,
Let me help you stand”

“Lies”, screeched the other voice,
The one from the nether pit,
It began to claw at the poor man’s mind,
Tearing him apart bit by bit.

Weakened, tired, he began to yield,
Evil took control,
The darkness rose from deep within,
Threatening to consume him whole.

“Lie! Steal! Burn! Kill!
Let your life waste away,
And as you sink deeper into my world,
My strength does grow each day!”

“Who are you to challenge me?
Tremble before my might,
And you and He shall both learn,
To fear and obey the night

But the man was good at heart,
Even in his pain he still believed,
That the Lord was with him still,
That his suffering will be relieved.

His hope built into a concrete thought,
His thought into a prayer,
Till he glowed with a pure light,
That the darkness could not bear.

Then spoke the Voice, the one above,
Clear for all to hear,
“Leave this place, leave my child,
Let him be free from fear.

To overcome our love, our bond,
You have neither strength nor skill,
For even when the night is darkest,
I am with him still.”

The darkness made a frantic effort,
But recoiled as though flayed,
For it could not touch a pure man,
And pure at heart he had stayed.

The blinding light of truth shone forth,
The evil was no more,
No force of night dared venture near,
Nor knock on his heart’s door.

Then said the Lord, to his dear child,
“Your story shall be told,
Let all know that in the face of dark,
We must be brave and bold.

Tales of dark must spread no fear,
But strengthen you from within,
For as long as you walk along my path,
We shall always win”.

And so they walked hand in hand,
Towards the future bright,
A future filled with joy unmatched,
Filled with love’s white light...

                                                                     || Shri Ram ||

1 comment:

Dr. Yogindra Joshi said...

Excellent Arnav! May ChandikaKul bless u. Hari Om.