Sunday 10 July 2016


|| Hari Om ||

A romantic poem inspired by the monsoon weather.


The sunlight through
The leaves does dance
And twilight casts
A dreamy trance

A strange game this
Of hide and seek
The wind of love
And hope does speak

They stand, in silence
At the sandy shore
So much they speak
But hide much more

There are no words
For certain thoughts
Some feelings deep
And battles fought

At the eb and flow
Of the sea they stare
But to speak,
They do not dare

A fear deep
In love is wrought
That all of this
Shall be for naught

A fear that
This spell shall break
And leave them shattered
In its wake

Perhaps forever
They may have stood
So much felt
Less understood

But Love can speak
Without a word
A heart just beat
And the other heard

They walk the shores
Now hand in hand
A pair of footprints
In the sand

This twilight is not
The setting Sun!
For their dawn bright
Has just begun.

|| Shri Ram ||
|| Ambadnya ||
|| I Love You my Dad ||

-Arnav H. Tongaonkar

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