Sunday 14 March 2021

Ward Stories-TMH Tales- Token No. 108


|| Hari Om ||

For those of you who do not know me personally, a brief introduction:


 I have completed my MD in General Medicine from KEM Hospital in

September 2020.

I joined Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai as a Senior Resident in Medical Oncology in December 2020.

This is a collection of my thoughts and feelings that I have imbibed in my Oncology residency. This is a branch that not many are ready to step into. A branch everyone, patients and doctors alike, associates with suffering. But where there is suffering, there is hope. And in the midst of darkness, we appreciate the light even more.

At the end of the day, there is a lot more to learn from the patients than the diagnosis and management of their disease! Now, on to the story.


Token No. 108

Tired. A strange word to start a story with, but there it was. The Doctor was always tired. Happy and tired, sad and tired, but always tired. Tired was the way of life at the Hospital. So much so, that even though it was a holiday, he was still tired. A person who has been working continuously should jump to embrace the smallest amount of free time. But more often than not, they don’t know what to do, when they actually have time to do it.

He rolled around in bed for a bit, and then decided it would be worth it to at least see a bit of sunlight. He got up, unfolded his tall frame and dressed in the least battered clothes he could find.

He left the building without any real plan. His feet wandered one way, and his mind another. The previous day had been a storm. 150 patients in the OPD, or 150 “tokens” in Hospital lingo, even more than the not so modest 100 that came there everyday. And as the day wore on, everybody grew more and more worn out. Patients and doctors alike.

Without realising it, he reached the entrance of the park nearby. He hesitated at the threshold. It had been a very long time since he had interacted with people other than those suffering from or treating disease. Anyway, a walk couldn’t hurt.

So he followed the beaten little walking path and soaked in the smell of the wet mud as the gardener watered the plants. He heard the chirping of sparrows after months and the birdsong sparked long forgotten feelings in his weary soul. The sunlight played hide-and seek with the shadows of the rustling leaves. He was mesmerized.

Everything was so ordinary, and yet so alien to him. Slowly , the Doctor remembered what it was to be human, and to celebrate the small delights of the soul. A part of him was surprised that such simple beauty and warmth could exist so close to a war zone, the battlefield between health and disease. For a moment, a wave of despair washed over him. He wished he could have more time to himself, more time to spend appreciating life as it was. 

His trance was broken by the sound of children shouting. He followed their little high pitched voices and found two children, a boy and girl, locked in a fierce argument over one of their toys. Their mother was seated on a bench nearby. He watched the scene from afar,  like the audience to a stage drama, appreciating this snapshot of how other people spent their time.

As he approached, he saw that the mother had an expression of such deep and profound joy, as if watching her children play was worth all the riches in the universe. In that moment, her face was awash with a thousand tiny expressions, so much joy, hope, bliss; and also a hint of pain and longing.  Suddenly, he realised that she looked oddly familiar.

She looked up as she saw him approach and raised a hand in greeting. He still couldn’t tell where he had met her. “ Good afternoon doctor, so nice to see you here. “ He knew now that she was somehow related to one of his patients , but still couldn’t place her. She saw his confusion and said.

“We met at the OPD yesterday . I was token number 108 !

I was in a lot of pain, and the medicines you prescribed have really helped. So much so, that I’m up and about today. I’m using this day to spend time with my children.  God bless you for helping me“

He bowed his head and accepted her blessing, said a hasty goodbye and walked away. He had tears in his eyes. To him, she had been a number, a diagnosis with a symptom that he had treated. To see her here changed his perspective totally, the world shattering and realigning  like the turning of a kaleidoscope.

For the first time, he saw the difference that a single medication could make. How treatments literally changed lives and brought smiles to forlorn faces. All the fatigue and work was worth it for this.

The next day, a new OPD. He was still tired.  They all were. But even in his weariness, he saw new light. He saw the patients as more than numbers; it was almost like he could see them carrying their families with them,  waiting to play in the park together. He could see now how he could touch their lives.

It may be the 10th, the 100th or even the 200th patient for him, but it was a loved one, a dear parent, spouse, sibling or child for someone else. So he worked now with renewed vigour, realising that God had sent an Angel, a ray of guiding light  to show him the path forward. His world would forever be changed by Token No. 108

Author’s note

This story is a work of fiction, inspired by feelings and moments that may be completely different from these events. However,  it is also true that many of us medical professionals live a life of sacrifice, away from our loved ones, with almost no time for ourselves.  And in such trying times, it is such tiny moments of joy that give us the strength to keep working, to keep moving forward.


My older blog posts are listed at the top of the page.
If you liked this post, do read the others as well ! All comments and feedback are welcome. Subscribe for updates and new posts. 

-          Dr. Arnav H. Tongaonkar


|| Shree Ram ||

|| Ambadnya ||

|| Naathsanvidh ||

 || Jai Jagdamba Jai Durge ||

|| I Love You my Dad ||







Shubham Pasi said...

Sir!!!!! I had a big smile by the time I finished reading this ♥️♥️♥️♥️
And thodu sa tear in my eyes too 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Can't believe it's a work of fiction feels totally real...

Reminded me of my own moment like there was 1 incident during my posting which happened with me 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Meher patel said...

Dr Arnu
Am so proud of you 👏👏
Being human is your forte
The love and respect you have for whoever it is whether your family
Or your patient 108 will always remember you
You are a ray of hope for people who sometimes have none
May you reach great heights in life❤️❤️
People need Drs like you 🥰

Prabodhini Gadhari said...

Heart touching. Shows us how there is positivity in everything that seems the most difficult, routine and mundane. There should be people like you who derive optimism from wherever life takes us and whatever it shows us.
Can resonate with your feelings.😊

Unknown said...

Very heart touching. 👍🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

Unknown said...

A beautiful piece of writing! Doctor with a heart. Among all the numbers,to understand and feel the emotions, that's the hallmark of a fantastic doctor and human being. So proud of you. God bless you with the strength to go thru each day and good health, happiness and lots of success in all your endeavours.💕⚘ chitra natarajan

Hiba Narvel said...

Writing like this just touches the soul. It's just idyllic. Thanks, Arnav.

Archana Kumar said...

So happy to read your story dear Arnav.The sensitivity and the smooth flowing language used to express the same is something that touches the soul.May you have the strength to be as you are!

Geeta Diwan said...

Beautiful write up dear Arnav! Your words actually play the scene in reader's mind.Keep it up! Bapu bless you!!!

POOJA PAI said...

Superb writeup Arnavsinh. Picturized the event while reading. Keep writing such beautiful articles always.

Pradnyaveera said...

Excellent write up, really heart touching N simple language. Shreeram 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Susheela Shirali said...

Beautifully written n straight from d heart
Keep writing Very proud dat I was one of ur first teachers May u reach greater heights God bless u always 🙏🌹