Thursday 11 February 2016

The Soldier/The Soldier's Mother

|| Hari Om ||

 Our soldiers risk their lives so that we can be safe. We live peacefully in our homes, only because they stand between us and danger. Words are insufficient to convey the magnitude of their sacrifice, as well as the anguish of their families.

Through these twin poems : "The Soldier" and "The Soldier's Mother", I have tried to tell the story of a valiant soldier leaving for war from two perspectives: The brave warrior, and the family left behind.

Let us pray for our soldiers, and honour their sacrifice.
Bapu! May my life, and my end, also be so worthwhile.   

The Soldier

In service to 
My country I
Pledged my life
And joined the fight

To protect the people 
Of my land
My family
They understand 

For today
I must now march
The clouds of war
Loom ever dark

My first step
I steady take
Then my hands
Do start to shake

How can I leave
them all behind?
What if my fate 
Be so unkind

That I never 
May return
For their faces
I shall yearn

I close my eyes
Chant His name
And my resolve
Stays strong and same

With firm steps
I forward walk
Not turn, look back
Nor stop to talk

Let them remember 
This lion now
Who left his home
With an uphled brow

Shed his blood
On his own soil
To save them all
From the turmoil 

With blazing eyes
And strong last breath
I see their smiles,
And embrace death !

The Soldier's Mother

Late that night
There came a call
That broke the sleep
Of one and all

The Soldier,
He was called to war
He could live
At home no more

He packed his bags
And firm in tread
Walked forward with
No fear or dread

But those that watched him go 
did weep
The tears hidden
From him they keep

The Mother thought
"There goes my son
I'm so proud that
My little one...

" Once so scared 
And weak in play
Gives his life up
For us this day"

"His hands they tremble
Yes they do
And only a Mother,
Can see through 

"That lion's mask
That cloaks his pain
But he shan't turn
To look again.

"Good, I'm proud
I shall be strong
For our home
In these days long

"Until we see his
Face again
Perhaps our wait
Will be in vain"

These thoughts again
Did cross her mind
As she stood by
His coffin side

Her hands raised
In a last salute
Her face so firm
And resolute

In Peace, The Soldier
He does lie
Shaheed, Martryed 
For you and I !

|| Shri Ram ||
|| Ambadnya ||
|| I Love You my Dad ||

-Arnav H. Tongaonkar 

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Marathi Poem:माझा बापू!

|| Hari Om ||

This is my first attempt at writing a poem in Marathi. I owe this entirely to my Dearest Bapu(Dr. Aniruddha D. Joshi), who asked me to start learning Marathi, a subject I never had at school ! Truly, all that I have learned is from reading what Bapu has written: His Granthas and His Agralekhs( Editorials) in the Pratyaksha.

Ambadnya Dearest Dad. This is from You, for You! I hope You like it.  

माझा बापू!

आम्ही सगळे पापी होतो,
अजुन आहोत तसेच आम्ही!
पण बापूला फरक पडत नही,
तो तर प्रेम करतो तरी.

त्यच्या पापी बाळांना,
त्याने दिली आहे ग्वाही,
"माझ्या लडक्या बालका,
मी तुला कधीच टाकणार नाही!"

किती चुका आम्ही करतो,
परत-परत चुकत राहतो,
तरी संकटच्या वेळी,
तो लगेच धावत येतो.

त्याच्या मार्गावरून चालण्याचे,
प्रयास जो मनापासून करेल,
तो कधीच एकटा नाही,
त्याचा हात माझा बापू धरेल!

करूणा, प्रेम, दया,क्षमा,
सर्वोच्च आहेत त्याचात,
म्हणूण माझ्या सारख्यांनाही
तो उचलून घेई हातात!

जे देवाला जाणत नाहीत,
ज्यांना पूजा-विधी कळेना,
अशा मंडळींना गोळा करून,
बनवली त्याने वानर सेना.

रावणाच्या वधाची,
वाट त्याने मोकळी केली,
वृत्राच्या कैदेतून सर्वांची,
माझ्या बापूने सुटका केली.

आपल्याला अंबज्ञतेचा,
पाठ त्याने शिकवीला,
आणी अखण्ड सामिप्याचा,
सुवर्ण मार्ग उघडला.

आई, बापू, दादा ऐका,
ऐका ह्या बाळाची हाक,
मर्यादेचे भान असूदे,
राहो सतत तुमचा धाक.

विसरलो हे विश्व सारे,
विसरलो जीवन मरण,
आता तुझा सखा बनव,
दे रे बापू तुझे चरण!

|| Shri Ram ||
|| Ambadnya ||
|| I Love You my Dad ||
|| जय जगदम्ब जय दुर्गे ||

-Arnav H. Tongaonkar 

Monday 8 February 2016

Phoenix / Rise !!!

                                              ||Hari Om||
 Rise !!!                  

Light the fire deep within,
Feed it, let it burn bright,
 The only way to beat the dark,
Is to become the light.

Begin! Now! As you are,
Take a single step ahead.
Let the world unfurl before you,
Earth shake beneath your tread.

You are the chains that bind yourself,
The weight upon your back.
Spread your wings and you break free,
Rise, and don’t look back.

From the ashes, from the soot,
Be the flame that glows.
As, once, by the Lord’s voice kind,
Light from the dark arose.

Fall once and then once more,
But through the trials and pain,
He is with you, take His hand,
Rise and rise again!

You are the flame of love, of hope,
Light that cannot die.
By His Love, and By His Grace,
Rise Phoenix and Fly!!!

|| Shri Ram ||
|| I am Ambadnya ||
|| I Love You my Dad ||
Arnav H. Tongaonkar

Saturday 30 January 2016

O Great Artist !

|| Hari Om ||

We are a vain species. We achieve things which we believe to be great, and soon our heads swell enough, to believe that we are above Him, He who created it all.
But let us stop and think. What monument have we built, that could possibly hope to match the sheer scale, beauty and perfection of His Creation ? We can just make mere copies and replicas of what He has already made before, and that too using the raw materials that He has given us !

Just one look at Nature, and we realise our humble place in this world.
But, more than that, we can appreciate the Love of The One, who made all this, just out of Love for us.

This poem is dedicated to the Artist of my life, my Sadguru, Dad, Aniruddha Bapu( Dr. Aniruddha Joshi). The words cannot hope to convey what I feel, but I must try none the less !!!   

O Great Artist !

No artist, painter, sculptor no,
Not any person of this land,
Can ever try or hope to match
That created by Your Hand

We can paint and we can draw, 
But on Your canvas You,
Can paint a picture, give it life,
Make the art come true. 

We sketch the mountains and the streams,
But You drew them before.
Where once the world was bleak and dark,
You created much and more.

The light, the colour, joy and bliss
All does stem from You.
The world knows You by many names, 
But You are my Dad, Bapu!

The wind it speaks your words, it does,
The birds do sing Your song,
The leaves do rustle, the flowers bloom,
For  Your Feet they do long.

O Great Artist, sketch my life,
Sculpt me now anew,
I care not what the picture is,
But let it be full of You!

I Love You my Dad !!!

-Arnavsinh Tongaonkar

|| Hari Om | |  | | Shree Ram | |  | | Ambadnya | |

Saturday 23 January 2016

Should I ?- Her Reply

Hari Om

At the first
First glance I knew
We would be one
That were now two

Closer, closer
Step by step
Accross the space
That we had kept

Together, but 
Still far apart
For which of us
Would make the start ?

And I see the question 
On his face
As he looks off
Into space

Of course I know
What's on his mind!
To his heart,
Could I be blind.

He sees me watching
"Does she know ?"
The fear on his face
Does show!

So I smile,
And laugh I do
And his joy
Does shine through 

Our smiles, they are
Now here to stay
No word does either
Need to say !

|| Shri Ram ||
|| Ambadnya ||

|| I Love You my Dad ||

Arnav H. Tongaonkar 


Wednesday 20 January 2016

|| Hari Om ||

We were once a dream,
A thought.
In the minds 
Of those that fought.

Against the bondage
Of the Raj.
To achieve our freedom,
Our Swaraj.

That the people,
Of the land
Could take their health 
In their own hands.

Bricks were laid,
Foundations set,
Meetings held,
And people met.

So we were born,
Twins for a cause:
King Edward and
Seth Gordhandas.

To heal the people 
Of their pain,
To teach and 
Pass it on again.

We grew,we flourished 
Brothers two.
And everywhere
The people knew

That they were safe,
Within our hands.
"We will be well
While KEM stands!"

And such greats
Passed through our walls.
Their wisdom fills
The lecture halls.

Their words echo 
Through our very bricks.
The words of healers 
For the sick.

And their souls
So strong and bright,
Show the path
For GSites.

Still we stand
And so we will,
Guards against
All foul and ill.

Come pain or sorrow,
Death and life.
We are the saviours 
From the the strife.

It matters not,
The time that passed.
For our walls,
Are built to last.

So we watch
In our serenity
90 years,
Till eternity!

|| Shri Ram ||
|| Ambadnya ||
|| I Love You my Dad ||

-Arnav H. Tongaonkar 

I Look Among the Stars

Hari Om

I Look Among the Stars

The time could never
Heal my scars
And still I search
Among the stars

In the clouds
I see your face
The wind so warm
Is your embrace

I walk, I try
Brave and strong 
For my love
It's not too long

The time is here
For me to fly
And join you there
Up in the sky

|| Shri Ram ||
|| Ambadnya  ||

|| I Love You my Dad ||

Arnav H. Tongaonkar
