Sunday 20 July 2014

|| Hari Om||

We pray. We ask God to give us what we want. And we question Him every time things don't go the way we wanted. But, if we stop to think, we will realize that He gives whatever is apt, whenever it is apt!
He listens patiently while we question Him, for He knows what is right for His children, even if we do not !!!

He Stands In My Way

I did pray,
As I left home for work,
“O Lord!, guard me,
For dangers lurk.”

Guide my path,
Guide my feet,
Towards great victory,
And no defeat.

“Of course, dear  one,
The Good Lord smiled,
I walk with you,
My dearest child.”

I heard Him not,
Began to walk,
And on my way,
Found to my shock!

A boulder great,
Did block my way,
“Why God?”
I shouted in dismay.

To clear my path
To you I pray
Yet this boulder,
Stands in my way!

“You cannot see,
And cannot know,
Why it is,
That I do so.”

For on that road,
My child, you see,
A poisonous snake,
Does wait for thee.”

I heard Him not,
Took a different road,
The seeds of doubt,
Now in me sowed.

Until I reached,
The river shore,
And saw the bridge,
Was there no more.

Now doubt now,
Just plain fury,
And in my rage,
 I said to He.

“What is the use,
Of praying to You,
When You cannot,
See me through.”

Up in Heaven,
The Father smiled,
At the words,
Of His silly child.

I called my boss,
And said to he,
On this day,
Do pardon me.

I cannot come,
To work today,
For God is standing,
In my way!

I reached back home,
And then sat down,
Switched on the television,
With an angry frown.

The first thing on the news,
They showed,
“Snake bite kills man,
On major road.”

A chill then did,
Creep down my spine,
For that fate,
Could have been mine.

The next news item,
Was worse still,
“Fire breaks out,
On Office Hill.”

It was my office,
I saw with dread,
Four missing,
The others dead.

“Just one survived”,
The news did say,
“For he did not go,
To work today.”

I fell to my knees,
Tears in my eyes,
Looked up, high up,
Towards the skies.

I’m sorry Lord,
I doubted You,
When all this time,
It was You.

Who put those barriers,
In my way,
That I may see,
Tomorrow’s day.

“With you I walk”,
Bapu, He said,
“Guard behind,
And guide ahead”.

“And even if,
You go astray,
To lead you back,
I have my way!”

“Now take my hand,
Walk with me,
The future waits,
For us, you see!!!”

I felt His love,
Heard His voice,
And that moment,
Made my choice.

I turned my back,
Upon the night.
Immersed myself,
In His bright, warm light.

II Shri Ram II
II I am Ambadnya II
II I Love You my Dad ||


Unknown said...

Very nice .....Hari Om! :)

Unknown said...


Leeladharsinh Kukyan said...

So very true. Excellent Arnavsinh !!!

Unknown said...

Arnavsinh its really touching. Verrrry GOOd. May Aai Bapu dada bless u always. Ambadnya