Sunday 27 July 2014

Welcome Back Dad!!!

            ||Hari Om||

On Thursday, 24.7.2014, Bapu came to Shri Harigurugram after a long time. He had been engaged in an Upasana for us, His children, working tirelessly to protect us. This poem is an attempt to express the feeling of waiting for Him, knowing that it is for us that He works, but longing to see Him all the same!!!

Welcome Back Dad!!!

“My children,
It is for you that I,
Must ascend this mountain peak
So high.

“And upon it,
Sit in prayer,
That peace and joy,
Spread everywhere.

“Wait, and soon
I will return.
My children, who for me
Do yearn.

Be patient now,
And watch this path,
For long we will not,
Be apart.”

These were His words,
So long ago,
When so far,
He had to go.

And we His children,
All and each,
To stay with us,
Did Him beseech.

We knew it was
For us that He,
Was working, praying
So tirelessly.

Yet We longed,
To see His face,
Hear His voice,
Bathe in His Grace.

Days and days,
We watched the road,
The task He had,
On us bestowed.

Each footstep heard,
We did hurray,
But it was some other,
To our dismay.

We waited all,
With teary eyes,
Beseeching Heaven
And Earth and Skies.

“Let us see Him,
See Him soon!”
This became our chant,
Our tune.

But, today is different
A message was sent,
From Him to us.

He is coming,
Will soon be seen
And we wait,
With eyes so keen.

Soon a murmur,
Spreads around,
The eager, waiting
Loving crowd.

Was that a footstep?
Yes! It was,
Now cheering,
And loud applause.
And His laugh,
So full of joy,
Fills the world
From Earth to sky.

As one we turn,
And we do see,
Before us, here
Again is He.

Music plays,
Cheers sound,
Joy spreads and grows
Now free, unbound.

Gone are sorrow,
Pain and fear,
As one we shout:
“Our Dad is here!!!”

Then He turns,
Says with a smile,
“My child, I was with you,
All the while…”

|| Shri Ram ||
||I am Ambadnya||
||I Love You my Dad||


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